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Our Professionals

Our Colorado Professionals are all members of the CDW Professional Association. They are listed by their qualifications below, with a brief description of what these qualifications mean. For a full listing of CDWPA requirements, please visit this website.

Clinician Level 2

A Level 2 Clinician must volunteer 16 hours, mentor a member for 16 hours, attend 16 hours of clinic sessions with Lyn Ringrose-Moe, Garn Walker, or Eitan Beth Halachmy, and intern under a Level 3 Professional or partner for 16 hours. They must also ride any WJL2 or

higher test to a score of 74 or higher. 

Pam Pierce, Wellington, CO     970-988-6404

Melanie Smith-Breidt  Falcon, CO and Cañon City, CO                 719-332-3445

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