All-Around Buckle for the Regional Show!

​​​Once again, we'll be awarding an All-Around Buckle, generously donated by Cowboy Dressage World! This year, to be eligible to win the buckle, you must sign up for the following tests:
1. Partnership on the Ground Walk/Walk 2 (POTG W/W 2)
2. Challenge Court Walk/Jog 2 (Ch. W/J 2)
3. Open Court Walk/Jog 3 (W/J 3)
4. An individual Walk/Jog (W/J) or Walk/Jog/Lope (W/J/L) Musical Freestyle (not Drill Team)
If you sign up for these classes, you'll automatically be entered into the competition. We'll take your highest score from both days in each of the above categories to calculate your overall score. Freestyles will be Friday only.
Due to rising costs, class fees have been raised for 2024 to $30/class for CDWCO members, $35/class for non-members. Horsemanship classes are $20/class for CDWCO members, $25/class for non-members.
In 2024, we’ll be using Fox Village Online, rather than Equestrian Entries, for registration.
NEW: Because of a CDW rule change, you can now enter up to 5 ridden tests AND 4 ground tests per horse per day.
At Regionals, unlike our other shows, you can show both days with the same horse.
Musical Freestyles will be on Friday evening only.
Prize List:
In addition to the All-Around Buckle, the following prizes will be presented after the show on Saturday:
Partnership on the Ground & Liberty High Point Award
Challenge Court High Point Awards (Open, Amateur, and Youth)
Open Court High Point Awards (Open, Amateur, and Youth)
Silver Award (amateur, age 65+)
Rookie Award (amateur in 1st calendar year of showing)
Judge's Try Award (presented each day)
Volunteer Drawing (each day)
Entering the Show:
CDWCO is now taking all show registrations through Fox Village Online. You’ll only have to enter horse and rider information the very first time you use Fox Village Online unless there are changes.
You’ll pay for your entry with a credit or debit card. There is a 5% online processing fee (which goes to Fox Village), in addition to your class fees ($30/class for CDWCO members, $35/class for non-members) and a $10 office fee. Please Note: No refunds will be issued unless the show is canceled, or someone from a waiting list can fill your spot.
Creating a Fox Village Online Account (First Time Using the System):
Go to and “Create an Account.”
Click the “People” button, then “Add.” Here you'll add riders to your account. Families can add more than one rider or create separate accounts. Fill in the information for each rider.
For “Rider Status,” enter “Jr/YR” (17 years and younger as of 12/31/2025), “Amateur” (18 years or older, who does not make a living or receive income from training, teaching/lessons, or clinics), or “Open” (18 years or older, who does make a living or receive income from training, teaching/lessons, or clinics).
You can ignore the questions about Memberships.
Click “Submit” when you’re done. Click "Add” to add additional riders to your account, or click on the “=” button at upper right to select “Horses.”
Click on the “Horses” button, then “Add.” Here you will add all the horses you plan to ride in the show. Fill out the information for each horse.
Information after “Country of Birth” is optional (Sire, Dam, Microchip #, etc.)
You don’t need to upload any documents.
Signing Up for the Show
Login to your Fox Village Online account with your username and password. If you have any changes to the information you entered previously (Riders, Horses, etc.), update your profile as described above.
Click on the “=” button at upper right and select “Calendar.”
Click on “CO” in the “State:” drop-down menu, and then click “Search/Filter.”
The “CDWCO Regional Cowboy Dressage Show” will appear within the results. Click on “Enter Show.”
Entry Setup: Select Horse, Rider, Trainer, and Coach from the drop-down lists. Enter yourself as Rider, Trainer, and Coach. Click "Save and Continue."
Documents: Please upload the signed CDWCO Liability Waiver and Media Release, if you haven’t already submitted them for 2024. We only need them once per calendar year, and if you’re a CDWCO member, you should have already submitted them. If you don't need to submit documents, you can skip this section, and click on "Classes."
For “Is this a non-compete entry?”, select “No.”
Click on “Add a class” and scroll down to your desired class.
Click “Add Class - $30."
UPDATE (9/8/24): Please do not sign up for POTG/Challenge classes on Friday - they are full.
8. Repeat above step to add each desired class. You can enter up to 5 ridden classes AND 4 ground classes (9 total). You cannot enter Liberty classes unless you have pre-qualified. 
The fee will auto-fill. Note: The $30/class or $20/class (Horsemanship) fees are for CDWCO members. If you are NOT a CDWCO member, you’ll be asked to add $5/class later. We MUST have received your membership forms and payment before entry to get member pricing. If you’d like to become a member, info is here.
If you want to ride the same class multiple times, simply add it again.
If you are entering Drill Team Freestyle, only one member of the drill team needs to enter/pay. The other member(s) should not sign up on Fox Village Online.
Friday classes are listed first. Scroll down for Saturday classes. Make sure you select the correct classes for the correct day.
When you’ve entered your final class, click “Save and Continue.”
9. Stabling: ​
If you DO want a stall: Click on the "By Day" tab. Select the quantity of overnight stalls you need for Friday and Saturday. If you want a tack stall, select the quantity for each day. Please note - for Thursday night/Friday day stalls, select the "By Day" option and pick "Friday". For Friday night/Saturday day stall, select the "By Day" option and pick "Saturday". NOTE: If you're sharing a tack stall, only one person needs to sign up and pay for a tack stall each day.
If you DON'T want a stall: Click on the "No Stabling" tab. For the question, "Is this entry exempt from stabling?", select "Yes." Under "Exemption Reason," select "This horse is exempt from stabling requirements for a reason not listed." In the box saying, "Please specify why this entry is exempt from stabling fees," type "Stalling not required."
Click "Save and Continue."
10. Stabling - Misc: Here you can type the name of a person or group you'd like to be stabled with. You can also put your estimated arrival time (please arrive 2 p.m. or later on Thursday). In "Additional Notes," please indicate if you're sharing a tack stall with someone. Click "Save and Continue."
11. Additional Fees: If you are NOT a CDWCO member, you must click on the drop-down menu and select “Non-CDWCO Member Fee ($5/class)” and enter the number of classes you signed up for. Failure to do so will result in registration delays.​
Everybody is charged a $10 Office Fee.
If you need an RV electrical hookup, select the number of nights.
If you'd like to sponsor one or more High Point Awards (see list above), select the number of awards you'd like to sponsor.
When you’re done with this page, click “Save and Continue."
12. Entry Review: Here you will see any missing information. Don’t worry about the error saying you don’t have any documents attached (you can still submit your entry). Click “Continue to Payment.”
13. Carefully review your selections and fees and enter your credit/debit card info. Click “Pay Now.” Once your payment goes through, you’ll have the option of downloading entry confirmation. You’ll also receive an entry confirmation by email.
If You Wish to Make Changes After Entry
• Please keep these to a minimum! If you absolutely must make a change, email us at You cannot make changes in Fox Village Online.
Keep an eye on your email the week before the show to receive ride times and other show info. Once we send out ride times, you will have 24 hours to request any changes (again, if absolutely necessary). We cannot give refunds unless someone can fill your spot from a waiting list.